Teeth Whitening Clarkston, MI

Do you have healthy teeth but want a brighter smile? Teeth whitening offers cosmetic dental care that brightens the natural tooth enamel. At Clarkston Dental Care, we offer teeth whitening with Opalescence in our Clarkston, MI dental office.

We can also provide teeth bonding or porcelain veneers if patients have tough tooth stains. Veneers and bonding treatment also benefit patients with intrinsic tooth stains. These stains are inside the tooth. Many patients have intrinsic stains if they have a dental injury or tooth wear.

The dentin beneath the outer enamel can make teeth appear discolored. We can help you find the right whitening treatment, whether you have intrinsic or extrinsic tooth stains.

Tooth Whitening Treatment in Clarkston, Michigan

Causes of Tooth Discoloration

There are many ways patients can develop discolored or yellowed tooth enamel:

  • Poor Oral Hygiene: Brushing and flossing twice a day can help remove plaque from the teeth and gums. Plaque, a bacterial film that can build up in the mouth, may change the color of teeth. In addition, stains from foods and drinks cause discoloration in patients who do not brush or floss enough. 
  • Foods and Drinks: Some foods and beverages contain chromogens, or pigments that attach to the enamel. These pigments discolor teeth over time. Berries, tomatoes, coffee, tea, and wine contain chromogens. 
  • Tobacco Use: Smoking cigarettes, vaping, and using other tobacco products can easily yellow the tooth enamel. Nicotine is a common cause of yellow and darkened tooth enamel.
  • Medications: Dull or discolored teeth can be a side effect of some medications. Antihistamines, antipsychotics, and other medications can discolor the enamel.
  • Genetics: Some patients may be genetically predisposed to discolored teeth. Dentinogenesis imperfecta and amelogenesis imperfect can also create brittle teeth, which we can strengthen with restorative and cosmetic treatments. 

Opalescence Teeth Whitening Treatment in Clarkston, MI

Our in-office Opalescence treatment takes just under an hour to brighten teeth. First, we protect the gums to minimize sensitivity. Then, we apply the Opalescence whitening gel to each tooth. The gel contains hydrogen peroxide, which penetrates the tooth enamel.

During the whitening treatment, the oxygen molecules within the gel react with the molecules on the teeth. This treatment is chemically activated, which means we do not need to use LED lights or lasers to whiten the smile. After about fifteen to twenty minutes, we remove and then reapply the whitening gel. We repeat this process several times until we reach the desired result.

We also offer touch-ups and full take-home whitening with Opalescence. Our team will take impressions of your teeth to create custom whitening trays. We will provide you with a take-home whitening kit that includes custom trays and concentrated whitening gel. There are multiple concentrations available, so patients with sensitive teeth can receive whitening treatment. 

Teeth Whitening FAQs

Teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dental service. You get big results with a small procedure. Read the answers to these commonly asked questions to learn more.

How long do the effects of teeth whitening last?

It varies from person to person. Genetically, whitening treatments work better on some people than others. Patients who regularly use tobacco or drink coffee will have results that don’t last as long as those without these habits. On average, results last anywhere from a few months to a few years.

How long do I have to wait to eat after teeth whitening?

You can eat immediately following whitening treatment. However, we recommend you avoid staining foods and beverages for at least the first 48 hours. Whitening opens up the pores of your teeth, allowing the bleaching solution to enter. These pores remain open for a while after the procedure, making it easier for teeth to stain.

Does teeth whitening hurt?

No, you should only feel some slight sensitivity, if anything at all. Professional whitening solutions contain things to minimize the risk of sensitivity. Hot or cold foods or beverages usually trigger it. We also apply a protective coating over the soft tissue to avoid sensitivity in these areas.

How often can I whiten my teeth?

We recommend not whitening teeth more than every six months. Too frequently whitening increases the chances of sensitivity, which can become more severe if you continue. Too much whitening also makes your teeth look odd when you smile. The color can get to a point where it doesn’t look natural in your mouth.

Should I get my teeth cleaned before or after the whitening treatment?

We always recommend scheduling a dental cleaning right before your whitening appointment. Even if you brush and floss diligently, you still may have some plaque or tartar buildup that you may not realize. If that’s still on the teeth when we whiten them, you’ll get splotchy, uneven results.

Am I a good candidate for tooth whitening?

Most patients are eligible for teeth whitening treatment. However, we won’t perform teeth whitening on children or teen patients, as their mouths are still developing and changing. If you have a dental cavity, we’ll need to treat it before whitening treatment. The whitening solution can cause pain and make your cavity worse. We’ll also treat any other oral health conditions before proceeding with cosmetic treatment.

Brighten Your Smile

Do you want to brighten your smile? Call Clarkston Dental Care today at 248-985-2906. You can also request a dental consultation with our dentists online. Please ask us any questions about whitening treatment at your next appointment, and we will be happy to help.