TMJ Treatment Clarkston, MI

Dr. Michael Sesi and Dr. Jordan Rabban offer comprehensive treatment options for patients suffering from temporomandibular joint disorders. TMJ Disorders often lead to headaches, jaw pain and other problems. Dr. Sesi and Dr. Rabban, along with their associates at Clarkston Dental Care will work with you to analyze the function of your entire occlusal system (teeth, gums and jaw joints). We can provide you with an accurate diagnosis and TMJ treatment in Clarkston, MI. Our goal is to help you find relief from TMJ symptoms and restore your oral health.

What are the Temporomandibular Joints?

The temporomandibular joints, or TMJ for short, are critical anatomical structures that connect the mandible (lower jaw) to the temporal bones (bones located either side of the skull). The joint is actually made up of several parts that make it operate properly. These joints help with essential functions including biting, chewing, speaking, and yawning.

The TMJ operates as a sliding hinge, allowing the jaw to move in various ways. These movements are vital in facilitating the complex motions we all need to consume food and communicate.

What is Temporomandibular joint disorders?

Temporomandibular joint disorders, or TMD for short, include a range of conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint. Any stress or injury to the TMJ can create a TMJ disorder. In addition, patients with crooked teeth or a misaligned bite are more prone to developing TMD.

These problems place stress on the bite and the joints that control the jaw. At Clarkston Dental Care, we provide restorative dentistry treatments for patients who require TMJ treatment in Clarkston, MI. Treating TMJ disorders preserves tooth, gum, and jaw health.

Treat TMJ Disorders in Clarkston, Michigan

Signs and Symptoms of TMD

One of the most common TMJ symptoms is pain or tenderness in the jaw joints located just in front of the ears. This pain can disperse to the neck and shoulders and even cause chronic headaches or earaches.

Patients may also experience difficulty or discomfort while chewing, yawning, or opening their mouths wide. This is often coupled with a clicking or popping sound when moving the jaw. Jaw pain, in general, is a common symptom that most people with TMD experience.

Other symptoms of TMD include a limited range of motion in the jaw, making it hard to perform basic mouth movements. Some might notice their jaw becoming “stuck” or “locked” in an open or closed position.

Swelling on the side of the face and a change in the bite can also be signs of TMD. In some cases, patients report a feeling of fatigue in their facial muscles or generalized facial pain.

Additionally, teeth grinding can be a sign of TMD. If the bite or teeth alignment is not right, grinding or clenching can occur.

If you are experiencing any of these signs or symptoms of TMJ, call us to schedule an appointment for a complete TMJ evaluation. Managing the condition will help with the painful and life-interrupting side effects.

What is the Correlation Between Bruxism and TMD?

Bruxism, the habit of grinding or clenching of teeth, often occurs during sleep or periods of stress. There is a strong correlation between bruxism and TMD. The repetitive forces that patients exert by bruxism can lead to or exacerbate TMD symptoms. Constant teeth grinding can cause excessive wear on the TMJ, leading to inflammation, pain, and dysfunction.

Also, chronic muscle tension that people with bruxism often experience can strain the muscles we need to consume food. This contributes to myofascial pain and discomfort commonly seen in TMD patients. Addressing bruxism is vital as it is often a critical component in the treatment of a TMJ disorder, helping to alleviate symptoms and prevent further joint damage.


TMJ Treatment with Nightguards in Clarkston, MI

We can create custom-made mouthguards for patients with bruxism as a result of TMD. This type of mouth piece is called a nightgaurd.

Many patients clench and grind their teeth at night. The only signs of bruxism when they wake up can be morning headaches, jaw pain, and tooth wear. At routine visits, we thoroughly examine the smile and can spot signs of bruxism before patients wear down their natural teeth.

TMD nightguards are made of clear acrylic that can cover the upper or lower row of teeth. Patients wear nightguards during sleep to stop tooth wear and jaw pain. Wearing this nightguard also corrects tooth placement for a more relaxed bite.

Your dentist may also suggest using an orthodontic treatment to resolve bite problems or tooth alignment. We offer Invisalign, a clear aligner tooth straightening system that can straighten your smile and relieve jaw tension. Invisalign can help dissipate teeth grinding if you grind your teeth because the bite or teeth alignment is not right.

Additionally, we may recommend physical therapy and a soft diet for TMD patients. A soft diet relieves pressure on the jaw joints. During physical therapy, patients can learn exercises that work tense muscles in the jaw, shoulders, arms, and back. These muscles can also contribute to worsening TMD symptoms.

Finally,  we may also use various restorative dentistry treatments to fix teeth damaged or worn down due to TMD. The dental team at Clarkston Dental Care offers tooth bonding, dental crowns, and dental veneers to resolve tooth damage. Some restorative treatments can also restore occlusal equilibration to prevent tooth grinding. This will allow the teeth to make proper contact without creating stress on the temporomandibular Joint.

What Causes TMJ Dysfunction?

Finding the cause of your TMJ issue may be difficult. Often, several causes can lead to this disorder. Some people who struggle with jaw pain have medical problems such as arthritis. However, the most common causes are dental problems and lifestyle.

Bad habits, such as poor posture, can lead to a misaligned bite that puts excessive pressure on the jaw joints. Other things that will put too much pressure on the TMJ are chronic stress in your life, which can lead to jaw clenching, crooked teeth, teeth grinding, and an injury to the teeth or jaw.

Determining the cause of your TMD can help us treat you. While we can address many of the issues, dealing with excess stress in your life can also help immensely.

Find Relief from Your TMD Pain with TMJ Treatment in Clarkston, MI

Do you think you may have a TMJ disorder? Schedule a dental appointment with our team on our website to treat your TMJ symptoms. You can also call us today at 248-985-2906. If you have questions for our office, we will be glad to help you get the answers and treatment you need.